
Time Required For GMAT Preparation

Most GMAT test-takers will agree that GMAT preparation requires time, dedication, and practice. If you are thinking about GMAT preparation, you should be aware of the amount of GMAT prep time you need to invest.

Most GMAT study plans range between 3 to 6 months. 

There is no shortcut when it comes to GMAT preparation. GMAC suggests 2 hours per day for GMAT prep for around 3-6 months. That is why an ideal GMAT study schedule should allow up to 6 months for GMAT preparation. Even when following a rigorous GMAT study plan, most GMAT students take between 4-7 weeks to prepare for the test (usually much longer).

About 10% of GMAT test-takers spend less than 1-month studying and preparation, and only 5% require less than 2 weeks of GMAT study time before the GMAT.

The GMAT is a challenging exam and requires hard work and dedication to achieve high GMAT scores. GMAC recommends at least 20 hours of study for every 10 points that you’d like to raise your GMAT score (e.g., if you want to improve from 650 to 700, you should invest 100+ hours for GMAT prep).

GMAT is a standardized test, and GMAC suggests that GMAT preparation should be taken just as seriously. GMAC recommends that GMAT students invest 400 hours of GMAT prep for greater chances of success.

Even though GMAT preparation requires time, one must also remember to make time for other aspects of life (family, friends, work). Maintaining a balance between GMAT preparation, work, and home life will help you stay motivated throughout your GMAT study plan.

It takes around 400-600 hours (200-300 practice questions) for most people to begin seeing improvement on the GMAT score. For some, this might take 900+ hours (or more), but this is rare. Most candidates need around 400+ hours of GMAT preparation for significant GMAT score increases.

It is also important to remember that GMAT preparation should start with a GMAT course/prep program. GMAC recommends GMAT courses because they provide a structured GMAT study plan and have proven track records in helping students achieve GMAT success.

The required time frame for GMAT preparation needs to be incorporated into the yearly plan of the student. Otherwise, it may turn out to be a hassle for the person concerned. The starting months of the year must contain an ample amount of free time from other activities so that dedicated sparring sessions can be carried out without any hindrance due to too many other commitments or engagements. There are several options available for different types of test-takers. GMAT preparation time can vary based on the GMAT study program, GMAT book or GMAT online course, to name a few. GMAT preparation courses are available in live classroom environments, virtual classrooms and online classrooms. GMAT coaching classes are also offered by various test prep service providers, which help students invest their time more effectively, thus increasing chances of success for the GMAT exam.

GMAT preparation books can range from GMAT study guides to GMAT math workbooks, GMAT Verbal (AWA) guides and GMAT Integrated Reasoning (IR) Guides. GMAC also recommends that GMAT test takers invest in GMAC’s Official Guide for GMAT Review.