
5 interesting sectors for job seekers in Africa

By 2027, Africa is expected to create 122 million new jobs. With the emergence of a middle class and a worrisome brain drain, the continent is increasingly in need of skilled talent. Whether it's social, technological or infrastructural, there is work to be done in Africa. Diaspora talent just needs...
Online Education

Benefits Of Having A University Degree

We are living in an increasingly competitive world: the competition for internship and job vacancies is very fierce, and knowing how to stand out in the professional world is something that will put you ahead of many. Interviews and curriculum and profile analyzes are intense, so there is nothing fairer...

How to do personal finance planning?

What is Personal finance planning? Personal finance is one of the three core areas of finance apart from public and corporate finance. Personal finance planning can be referred to as a process related to implementation of financial concepts to fulfil one’s dreams and achieve long- term goals. It refers to...

First Aid: practical aspects

When we talk about first aid we use ABC rather often. In that case, the abbreviation stands for such medical options as airway, breathing, circulation and a further mentioned method of defibrillation. These aspects are concerned with Sanitätsdienst München as step-by-step options precede emergency services.  What ABCD stands for airway...

What is cultural awareness training?

A cultural awareness training program can also be seen as cultural competency training, intercultural training, cross-cultural training, it provides learners the skill that they should have inculcated within themselves, work, develop in and with different cultures other than their own. It helps in the development of cultural values and attitudes,...

Hvordan tilpasser du deg arbeid hjemmefra?

Med koronaviruspandemien har mange blitt tvunget til å jobbe hjemmefra. Faktisk viser statistikken at nesten en tredjedel av den yrkesaktive befolkningen i mange land for tiden arbeider hjemmefra. Og mens den kommer med klare fordeler, som fleksibel tid og en mer avslappet kleskode. 1. 24 timers Arbeidsdag Selv om folk...

How To Choose Best Commercial Pilot Training Programs

Have you been contemplating taking on flight school and being an aircraft pilot? Same way as undergraduates set off for college to seek after preparing for a fantasy profession, aspiring pilots also need to go to pilot school such as the likes of Avsoft online pilot courses, so they can...

The Benefits of PMP Online Exam Training

Project managers know that certification can open a lot of doors for them and give them a better start on their careers. Without certification, the project manager will never live up to their career potential and may get overlooked for jobs. By signing up for a preparatory program, the project...

How to Select Best First Aid Training

Once you are ready and eager to take up first aid courses, it is important to choose the appropriate ones. Any high-quality erste hilfe kurs führerschein münchen will propose you several trainings to select from. So, your task is to clearly realize what you aim at and which training will...
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