We limit our student number to 180 to allow the staff to get to know every one of them. In addition, each class has a capacity of 18 pupils. We understand that males have various learning methods, and we value their individuality. Boys learn and socialize in different ways than girls, according to research. Boys thrive in an all-boys learning setting, according to studies. Our program provides:
- A diverse learning experience for your son or grandson.
- Allowing him to explore his interests and develop his talents in academics.
- Athletics and arts.
Although our curriculum is hard, boys find it fascinating and enjoyable since it is taught in their preferred learning style. We’re constantly preparing our boys for what lies ahead at Linbrook, and we are growing their confidence along the journey. Continue reading to find out the benefits of all-boys Kindergarten registration.
Why Join Linbrook’s All-Boys School?
Boys and girls learn differently, according to a growing number of academic studies. Our program at Linbrook School is tailored to meet boys’ physical needs and their natural desire to learn through humour and competition. As a result, the curriculum is tailored to the learning patterns of males, and our teaching methods are created to engage and inspire each student. Boys, for example, enjoy having a role in their education; professors may invite students to write an essay, create a PowerPoint presentation, or draw an instructive poster in response to a novel.
The Initial Step In A Linbrook Boy’s Education Is Kindergarten
To ensure a happy start to the day, our two Kindergarten teachers and educational assistant begin with familiar rituals. The Kindergarten classroom is often buzzing with activity. The curriculum is based on physical activity. Our teachers engage the boys in hands-on learning activities so that by the conclusion of Senior Kindergarten, they will be fluent readers. Science is a favourite subject for the boys because they may build a beaver dam, build boats, and grow beans to learn about the water and soil cycle.
At recess, our youngest students have their own play space to keep them safe and entertained. They also have numerous opportunities to participate in the school’s greater culture. Last year, for example, our Kindergarten children assisted in constructing a model city alongside the other grades. Linbrook Buddies, for example, pairs each youngster with an older student to help them improve their reading abilities and expose them to new experiences while building new friendships. Since boys and girls are predisposed to learn individually, they should be taught differently, with curricula and classrooms tailored to their specific requirements.
Now Is The Time To Apply
Please fill out this online form to apply for your son’s admission to Linbrook. If you haven’t already contacted us, our Office Administrator will contact you when the form is received. You can schedule a tour or inquire about upcoming Open House dates at this time.
Everything Is A Boys’ Thing In An All-Boys Kindergarten
In an all-boys kindergarten, a boy’s world expands dramatically. Boys have the freedom to be anyone they want. Traditional roles do not constrain them, and they may not even be aware that such roles exist. We congratulate the boys on their accomplishments. They don’t believe they’ve been pushed into a corner. Many experts say that kindergarten (and even earlier) is the best time to take advantage of the developmental differences between the genders.
The Natural Energy of Boys Is Harnessed
If you watch any coed kindergarten for a few minutes at any time of day, you’ll see that the majority of the squirmers are males. Boys, particularly those under the age of five, are naturally active and energetic. They prefer to move around rather than remain still, and they prefer to handle objects rather than stare at them. Movement is not just encouraged and understood in a well-taught, all-boys kindergarten class. Every lesson plan includes it.
At Linbrook, we proudly offer a diverse program that allows students to explore their interests and discover their own special talents. Get in touch with us at (905) 844-BOYS (2697) for kindergarten registration.